Make more confident marketing decisions.

Marketers face a lot of tough decisions when it comes to driving growth and improving ROI. From Share of Voice investments to messaging strategies to outmaneuvering the competition,  BlueOcean makes decision-making easier with AI-powered insights that go beyond traditional brand trackers and point solutions. 


Faster, more confident decisions with BlueOcean

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“We are starting to use data to measure our brand health in real time and drive action through more timely and effective decisions.”

Tim Hoppin
Director of Brand Strategy at Microsoft

The always-on brand intelligence platform

Brand Navigator from BlueOcean helps you make marketing decisions at the speed of AI and with the confidence of your best strategist.

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Learn how we are creating the category of Predictive Brand Intelligence


Still have questions?

Here are some top questions we often received. More questions–and answers–found here.

We use a proprietary mix of specific data points. 

We are happy to share at a high-level our data and their sources. We generally use three types of data:

1. Brand Content

We collect marketing content from brands (website content, social content, digital ads, and more) and break it down thematically to analyze and determine consistency, uniqueness, affinity, alignment, and connection with audiences. Our sources include the brand’s content, Nielsen, SEMRush (for social channels like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube), advertising services such as adbeat, and our research and proprietary algorithms.


2. Business and Financial Content

We collect financial and business performance data such as revenue and sales data, website traffic, scale and availability, market capitalization, investment collection, etc. In addition, we have access to data sources from United States SEC, capital IQ,, and Pitchbook to supplement our financial data. We also do financial modeling for private companies and for products nested within larger organizations.


3. Audience Content

We use automation to extract data from text, image, and video content from brands’ online audiences. Our sources include forums, reviews, and in some cases, key metrics from social media. In addition, we look at the sentiment and thematic summarization of this content and analyze it to determine consistency, uniqueness, affinity, alignment, and connection with the brand and its marketing. Sources here vary by industry, segment, and category. However, some specific sources are G2, Captera, Amazon, Yelp, App Store, Drizly, and more. We use findable, relevant review content as our primary audience signal, as they are intentional and less noisy than social media. Secondarily, we use social media metrics – specifically engagement metrics such as followers, reply rates over time, etc. versus audience-generated content on social channels.


Further, people ask how we know our data is accurate. Oftentimes, data acquired directly by BlueOcean from industry leading providers includes modeled or estimated numbers. These numbers reflect accepted standards for digital, media spend across many channels, financial and other metrics. While your own source data will always be the most accurate point of reference, our goal at BlueOcean is to bring visibility into data that you do not currently have or do not have the ability to bring together in a comprehensive way inside your organization. This data comes together into the BlueOcean framework, and provides insight into how your comprehensive marketing efforts support overall brand health. Further, we are one of the only sources where you can receive this type of holistic data on your competitors, as well.

Brand Navigator from BlueOcean accelerates time to value using a unique six-steps process.

Define – You don’t live in isolation, so defining your brand within its external environment and competitive sets are essential. We’ll work with you to identify your competitors and recommend the ones you should be comparing yourself to.

Sense – What is going on with your brand.

Currently, we assess brands by pulling data from over 1,200 data sources, and this list is still growing.

  1. Audience Signal
  2. Brand Content
  3. Business Analytics

Check out our FAQ on Data Transparency for a list of some of the data sources we use.

Understand – BlueOcean ingests data at scale. After that, it employs an automated ingestion process, fueled by machine learning and artificial intelligence, to analyze your brand, customers, and business data and organize them in a way that you can use them. This way, it helps you identify your brand’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to your competitors. 

Prioritize – BlueOcean then distills the information into the Brand Navigator. This framework and its associated outputs present your brand’s key opportunities and weaknesses in clear language any business person can understand. 

Execute – What good is information if you don’t know what to do with it? Brand Navigator will help you convert this information into actionable recommendations for your brand. If you need help executing these recommendations, we have a network of vetted partners who are familiar with Brand Navigator that can help your organization take action.  

Reinforce – Lastly, Brand Navigator learns from its results and tracks its impact over time. By reinforcing learnings, it becomes more competent and makes better recommendations.

Yes! With Brand Navigator, we want you to feel like you have a seasoned strategist in your back pocket. Our brand intelligence platform helps us get data and insights at lightning speed. At the same time, our framework organizes, prioritizes, and refines the results into outputs that any business can use. However, we understand that sometimes you just want to talk to someone about the results you are seeing. So, as a subscriber to Brand Navigator, you can call our brand strategy team on the phone to ask questions about your data, discuss results, gain decision insights, and seek advice on the next line of action.

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