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How are my scores in BlueOcean Track different from Brand Navigator?

< 1 min read

If you were a Brand Navigator user, you will notice some differences between it and the new scores you see in BlueOcean Track. 

This is a result of our new and exciting frameworks we’ve used to calculate your score, that have been redeveloped to increase clarity, transparency and actionability for you and your team. 

In truth, these two calculation methods are very different and make it hard to compare your scores across.  Moving forward in BlueOcean Track, you’ll notice several key differences: 

  • A new scale: Scores in BlueOcean Track are calculated on a 0-100 scale, rather than a 0-200 scale, with 100 being the highest possible score, and 50 being the average across your competitive set. 
  • New factors and metric groups:  The BlueOcean framework in Track includes renamed and regrouped metrics to align more closely to how our customers define and measure KPIs across their businesses. 
  • New timing considerations: In this new framework, as you select windows of time to evaluate, we’ve ensured metrics are more discreetly reflecting the activities and measurements of that windows of time.  This means no more highly varied “lookback windows” across metrics or forced date selection. 

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