Overview: What is Dashboards? #
Dashboards is a new user experience in Brand Navigator, where users can customize and tailor data visualizations to their unique business priorities, putting the most actionable insights front and center and powering decisions that drive durable business growth.
Marketers can create visualizations of over 45 possible metrics using our growing widget library and with BlueOcean DataFabric powering your metrics, users get comprehensive, always-on insights related to their brand and their competitors.
If you have early access, we encourage you to contact us at support@blueocean.ai with any feedback, bugs, or suggestions.
Step 1: Get started #
- First, log into Brand Navigator. You should see the “Dashboards” icon selected in the lefthand navigation.
- Within Dashboards, “My Dashboards” is where you will be able to find all of the dashboards you create & customize. This is your workspace which is only visible and editable by you. While you can download your visuals and share them, native sharing and collaborating are not yet available. Note, there may be a few dashboards in your workspace already to help get you started.
Step 2: Create a new dashboard from a template #
- Select the “Create New Dashboard” button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Once in the template library, select from a pre-built template or build a custom dashboard configuration yourself. You can read more about which dashboard templates are available and how they can be used.
- Once you’ve selected a template, you’ll be prompted to select your competitive set (you may only have access to one), and click next.
- On the next screen, you’ll be prompted to select the brand you would like as the primary brand, in the dashboard – you could select your brand or any of the competitors in your cohort. Click Next – and your dashboard will generate!
Step 3: Add a widget #
You can add a new widget to any of your dashboards.
- To add a widget to your dashboard, select “Add Widget” while the dashboard is open.
- Within the widget library, you can select from a wide range of widgets by clicking “add”. Learn more about the unique widgets available here.

Step 4: Complete the widget setup #
Once you select a widget, you’ll be prompted through the steps to set it up.
- Select the metric: First, you’ll need to select the metric or collection of metrics you’d like to see reflected in the widget. We’ve made it so you can easily organize metrics to make selections. Metrics are organized by functional area by default, but if you select the drop-down pictured below, you can sort the metrics using several available frameworks – BlueScore (The BlueOcean framework), a traditional marketing funnel, Gartner Brand Health metrics, and one big list – “All metrics”
- You can also view these in list format, or in a detailed grid view. By clicking on a particular functional area in the detailed grid view, you can see more details about the metric before selecting it. Select by clicking the “+” symbol next to the metric of interest.
- After selecting your metric, you will click next and be prompted to complete the widget settings:
- Name your widget (Note: a name will pre-populate for you, but you can adjust as needed).
- Select your competitive set (many of our users have multiple competitive sets).
- Choose the brand data you’re interested in viewing.
- Select a preferred date range (we have 30, 60, and 90-day ranges available).
- At any point while in the widget “Settings,” you can reference the widget example or toggle to the data explanation to better understand how the metric is calculated, the sources, and what you can do with this information.
Step 5: Explore your dashboard #
Once you add your first widget, keep on going!
- As you add widgets to a dashboard, they can be rearranged by clicking on the
icon in the widget banner and dragging it to a new destination.
- At any point, you can rename your dashboard by clicking your cursor on the dashboard name, typing a new name, and then hitting enter.
- You can download your widget images to share with your team by clicking the download icon and selecting your preferred format – PNG or PDF.